- BS, Civil Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
- Registered SE in Florida and Georgia
- Registered PE in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and US Virgin Islands
Contact Info
- (678) 542-1174
What started out as a summer job building houses with his father’s residential construction company turned into a career for Chad. After building a home from the ground up off a set of drawings, he was hooked. As Chad puts it, “I applied to colleges as an architecture major but quickly realized my mathematical skills were much stronger than my artistic skills and structural engineering was where I belonged.”
He’s now a Principal on a host of project types ranging from hotels, manufacturing and distribution facilities, office buildings, retail developments, educational facilities, to healthcare facilities and historic preservation projects. He’s well versed in working with structural systems involving concrete, masonry, and steel design.
Chad’s an active member of ACI Committee 360 – Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground and ACI Committee 302 – Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction. The diversity of project types is something that Chad likes about his project management role. It means there’s always something new to learn, a new challenge to solve.
Awards & Recognition
- 50 Women in the Know by Engineering Georgia Magazine – 2021
- SEAoG Young Engineer of the Year, 2020
- ACEC Georgia Future Leaders Academy, Class of 2019
- Featured speaker, NCSEA Structural Engineering Summit
- Published in SEA NYC Magazine
Fun Fact

Outside of work, you can find him spending time with his wife, four girls, and golden retriever, riding his bike, hunting, fishing, golfing, woodworking, and the list goes on…